Every autumn term we send out our annual questionnaire to both our nursery and reception parents to ask for feedback regarding our provision and transition arrangements. 50% of parents returned them.


Here is the feedback we received from reception questionnaires: 

100% of parents felt their child has settled well into the reception classes. 98% strongly agreed.

100% of parents said that their child feels good about attending school. 96% strongly agreed.

100% of parents felt that they were given all the information they needed in order for their child to start full time school. 94% strongly agreed.

100% of parents say that their child enjoys lunchtimes at school. 96% strongly agree. 

98% of parents say that their child enjoys reading and homework. 94% strongly agree. 2% had 'no opinion'. 

Parent / Carer comments:

"Think XXXX is coming on a treat!"

"Thank you for ensuring XXXX settled in his new school. Also thank you for helping XXXX come out of his shell and allowing him to enjoy learning." He is thriving and we are proud."

"XXXX has settled amazingly. He is genuinely interested in learning. I love the support he and I have been given. I love the Marvellous Me and Twitter updates. I appreciate how Miss Firman goes the extra mile to include me in XXXX education. I couldn't be happier with reception. Also enjoy 'Stay and Play' - thank you."

"My son loves attending school and enjoys it."

"XXXX is coming along so well in school and really enjoys herself."

"Really impressed with XXXX progress. He is coming along great."


Here is the feedback from the nursery questionnaires:

100% of parents strongly agreed their child attends an excellent nursery.

100% of parents strongly agreed that teachers in the nursery take an interest in their child's needs.

100% of parents strongly agreed that their child feels good about attending our nursery.

100% of parents strongly agreed that they found it easy to approach teachers in the nursery.

100% of parents strongly agreed that the nursery environment is welcoming and friendly.

100% of parents strongly agreed that the nursery informs them of what their child is learning about.

100% of parents strongly agreed that they were aware of the progress their child is making.

100% of parents strongly agreed that they like their child bringing home pieces of homework and borrowing home loan books.


Parent / carer comments were:

"All of you are amazing and help me and my child!"

"XXXX loves attending nursery and likes the teachers."

"We are grateful for your hard work and dedication to our children's education."

"Really confident sending my daughter to nursery on a morning."

"Really impressed with how well XXXX has improved even since September."

Thank you to everyone that responded. Your opinion really matters and we are always looking to see how we can further strengthen all of our provision and communication across the academy.