The Key Workers list sent to schools on Friday covered many jobs. For those parents / carers that have a place for their child on Monday, we are asking all of you to think very carefully about the decisions you make regarding sending them into school. If one parents CAN stay at home to look after your child/ren then they should. The provision is not intended to be free childcare so parents can continue as normal but to enable frontline workers to go to work to fight the COVID 19 battle and to enable social distancing.
All the teachers, teaching assistants and school support staff have been working extremely hard over the past week to continue to teach whilst organise for closure and keep a sense of calm and reassurance for the children. School staff are just like you: We have families, we have our own anxieties and worries, we're covering absent colleagues and we can't buy toilet rolls for love or money! We aren't more important than anyone else but we aren't less important either.
So please don't send the children to school unless you absolutely have to.
And for those children who have no other choice but to come into school on Monday, we will do our upmost to continue to reassure them, make them feel safe and have some fun, whilst continuing to educate them the best we can in these difficult circumstances.