Dear Parent / Carer,
As a school we are continuing to plan carefully for the partial re-opening of schools from 1st June.
Although we have initial plans for a gradual re-opening from this date, this is not guaranteed. 
Our Trust will be making a Trust wide decision as to when their schools will re-open on Tuesday 26th May.
I will inform parents/carers of their decision on this date.
The decision will also then be dependent on the Governments announcement on the Thursday evening.
This situation is changing all the time and we will do our best to keep you informed of our plans as soon as we possibly can.
Whatever date we begin to re-open our school on, the measures put in place to keep pupils and staff safe will remain the same and I will continue to share these over the next week with everyone. 
The office staff have been contacting all families with pupils in the specific year groups to discuss whether you will take up school provision when we re-open .
If you have not spoken to them, please return their call by the end of the week by contacting the main school office.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Take Care
Mrs D Linacre