Reminders for Tomorrow



Dear Parent/Carer,


Our priority tomorrow is to welcome all pupils back into school quickly and safely J.


In order to do this successfully, please be reminded of the following:




  • Early Years / Mr Carroll / Mrs Rayment are all entering through their classroom doors.
  • Mrs Seymour / Mrs Freeman / Miss Weetman are all entering off the KS2 yard through the ‘lower door’.
  • Miss Norris / Year 5 and 6 are all entering through the top door off the KS2 yard.



  • Only one adult per family (where possible)


  • Staggered start and finish times:


Start Times:

Children with surnames A-L to arrive between 8:45 and 9:00.

Children with surnames M-Z between 9:00 and 9:15.

Pick Up Times:

Children with surnames A-L to leave between 2:45 and 3:00.

Children with surnames M-Z between 3:00 – 3:15.


If you have children with different surnames then just pick either time to arrive – it’s more important that things are staggered than the exact grouping.


  • Do not arrive early on the yards.
  • No congregating on the yards.
  • Pupils should be able to be greeted at their entrance and walk straight into school where they will sanitise / wash hands.
  • No visitors into school (unless invited) – unfortunately under the guidelines this is not possible. Please ring the main office if you need to pass something onto a member of staff; ask a question; or need to discuss something. We are more than happy to help.




  • Please be mindful of our entrances / exits onto site – let each other through safely.


We will do our best and upmost to ensure your child settles quickly and enjoys their first day back!


Yours sincerely,


D. Linacre


Mrs D Linacre
