Dear Parent/Carer,
Hope this letter finds you all safe and well.
From Monday 25th January, the government have asked that all adults who work in schools should be tested routinely twice a week for Coronavirus even if they show no symptoms. This is a crucial part of keeping staff, children and families safe.
It is estimated that a third of people who carry Coronavirus have no symptoms. People who have no symptoms can still pass the virus to other people. Asymptomatic testing allows for people, their close contacts and households (including support bubbles) who might be carrying the virus but are unaware of it to isolate at home in exactly the same way as people who carry symptoms need to do. This means that the spread of coronavirus can be slowed down even further.
I am writing to let you know that if a staff member tests positive, I may have to shut their Bubble for 10 days and your child will need to isolate in line with local advice for that period. It is possible that this is now more likely as many more people are being tested and some could be carrying the virus which previously we wouldn’t have known. Although this might be frustrating, it will help to keep staff, children and families safe from the spread of coronavirus.
The NHS team recommend that the most effective time to take the test is in the morning. Unfortunately, this means that if/when I have to close a Bubble it is likely to be at very short notice. If a Bubble needs to close then we will inform parents as soon as possible via Marvellous Me and/or email (if we have it). Therefore, we are asking all parents/carers to check their Marvellous Me messages and email every morning, before dropping off their child at school.
I know you will all be very supportive but, as you make your contingency plans for a possible Bubble closure, can I please ask that to minimise disruption to learning for your child you ensure that you have devices ready to access remote learning and all passwords and log-ins to hand.
Many thanks in anticipation of your support during this time. As always, we are here for any questions you might have. Please contact school directly for any further support.